Gender equality and diversity in the European audiovisual sector
CEPI has been a partner to the project called Monitoring the implementation of the Framework of Action on gender equality and mapping initiatives to promote diversity in the European audiovisual sector.
The EU funded project via DG EMPLOYMENT consists of a review of the framework of actions on equality in the audiovisual sector and dissemination of important best practices.
The framework of actions has been negotiated between FIA, FIM, EFJ and UNI MEI on the one hand and the European associations of employers including ACT, CEPI, FIAPF and EBU on the other hand. It identifies the priorities and recommends policies and tools that the European social partners believe can enhance gender equality focusing on the following key areas: gender portrayal, equality of pay, equality in decision making, gender roles in the workplace, the reconciliation of work and private life.
This year in Cannes CEPI also strongly supported Commissioner’s Gabryel and MEDIA Unit initiative and endorsed “Women on the move”
The EU-funded project MEDIAROAD, broadcasters’led, promises to help Europe’s media sector revamp the way it approaches innovation by shaping future research and policy priorities as well as by strengthening collaboration between media organizations and start-ups.
CEPI has been in poll position particularly via the animation sector, where research and innovation are crucial in areas such as immersive reality.
The project aims to collaborate with other Horizon 2020 projects and paved the way to include culture and creative industries into the new framework of EU funded programme such as Horizon Europe and Digital Europe.
CEPI with the other consortium stakeholders continues its activity to support research/innovation on cultural and creative sectors, including EU's cultural heritage with particular emphasis on SMEs.
Health and Safety- OiRA film TV
The project aims to design an on-line risk assessment tool (OiRA) and it is implemented by CEPI with UNI-Europa and FIA and associate organisation such as FIAPF and FIM. We have also set up collaboration with EU-OSHA the European Agency for Health and Safety at work.
The first phase consists of a mapping phase of existing risk assessment tools across Europe and beyond in order to create a European tool that will meet the need of every organisations, facilitating and improving AV work health and safety conditions, especially for SMEs.
CEPI is a member of the project Steering Committee and responsible to revise research done and plans for future actions.
Creative Skills Europe is a platform where a wide range of stakeholders from the European audiovisual and live performance sectors meet: trade unions, employers’ organisations, national skills bodies, education & training providers, professional associations, etc. Their objective is to better adjust the sector training offer to the needs on the ground, to facilitate access to training for all types of workers at different moments of their careers, to contribute to the development of the sector and to secure professionals’ career paths.