The world of the audio-visual sector is changing and it is changing fast. This rapid change we experience presents challenges to overcome and opportunities to be seized. This workshop is your chance to become informed and therefore better equipped for your journey ahead. You and your organisation cannot afford to miss this moment.
So, we warmly invite you to discuss these challenges and opportunities from a legislative and business orientated framework at our workshop.
The theme of the workshop is particularly pertinent given the recently adopted AVMS Directive in December 2018 which re-address the way the industry and consumers respectively produce/distribute and consume audio-visual content. The workshop provides a forum for a constructive and effective discussion and exchange of ideas as to how we can forge a level playing field amongst platforms, broadcasters and producers.
CEPI President, Mr Jerome Dechesne said:
“Series Mania Festival is an excellent opportunity for independent producers to meet and discuss the best ways for the audiovisual sector to flourish, in all its facets and particularly on TV Drama/Series. CEPI has focused its attention on the importance to encourage a digital ecosystem where Small and Medium enterprises can develop and become more and more competitive, producing high level content which is fairly distributed to the benefit of consumers. This is clearly at the heart of our European debates and to promote cultural diversity and the economy of culture, independent producers will need a healthy digital environment in which to operate”.
As well as this vital theme others will be addressed:
Provide a better understanding of the AVMS Directive new guidelines to be finalised by the end of 2019
Make the audience/stakeholders aware of the current range of available measures topromote European films and TV programmes
Bring together a broad and diverse actors of media stakeholders to debateopportunities and new challenges for European content production/distribution
Stress that developing European catalogues more effectively, encourage prominence obligations and promoting European content should be at the core of future debatesand in line with the revised legislation
Analyse the changing nature of the digital market and discuss what opportunities forthose ones making deals are currently in place
Encourage SVoD platforms/ Broadcasters and Producers to find a fair level playing field to work on and to ensure the prosperity of high-level contentproduction/distribution in Europe
These important topics will be discussed by leading organisations and institutions within the European audio-visual sector: The European Commission AVMS Unit – The European Audiovisual Observatory – The European Broadcasting Union – European Film Agency Directors– Netflix – MediaPro – Federation Entertainment and Space Rocket nation and CEPI.
We look forward to seeing you there – and please register to attend by emailing
Elena Lai, Secretary General:
Liana Digka, Policy Adviser: