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CEPI’s General Assembly elects a new Board and sets vision for the future of European AV industry

Writer's picture: CEPICEPI

10 November 2023, Lisbon

CEPI, the European Audiovisual Production association held its General Assembly in Lisbon on the 9th and 10th of November. The assembly included the election of a new Board of Directors and productive discussions on key industry matters.

On the 9th of November, CEPI elected a new President and Board members.

Ms. Susana Gato, Executive President of APIT, Portugal, was re-elected as CEPI’s President for a second mandate.

Ms. Antonella Barbieri (APA, Italy), Mr. Filip Bobiňski (APA, Czech Republic), Ms. Monique Goeschl (FAMA, Austria), Mr. Søren Jørgensen (Producent Foreningen, Denmark), Ms. Emmanuelle Mauger (SPI, France) and Mr. Anthony Muldoon (SPI, Ireland) were elected as Board members.

Mr. Jérôme Dechesne (USPA, France), Ms. Alicja Grawon-Jaksik (KIPA, Poland), Mr. Boštjan Ikovic (FPS, Slovenia) and Mr. Mario Mauri (APA, Italy) were co-opted Board members. A special welcome was extended to Mr. Boštjan Ikovic, representing Slovenia, who joins the Board, enhancing the association's diversity and expertise.

“We are very happy to welcome Slovenia into the Board. We look forward to the fresh perspectives and contributions Boštjan Ikovic will bring as we collectively work towards a brighter future for the European audiovisual industry.” – Susana Gato, CEPI President.

We also extend our sincere gratitude to Ms. An Jacobs (VOFTP, Belgium) and Ms. Chiara Sbarigia (APA, Italy) for their dedicated service on the Board in the last years. Their invaluable contributions have been greatly appreciated and have significantly enriched our association.

In addition to the elections, the General Assembly provided a platform for CEPI to address the important ongoing discussions in Brussels, focusing on key policy issues such as Geo-blocking, Artificial Intelligence, the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) and the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD). The assembly offered an opportunity to identify and clarify CEPI's vision for the upcoming Commission mandate. CEPI engaged in in-depth discussion to identify and prioritize key areas where the association will concentrate its efforts in the coming years.

“These debates are crucial for the audiovisual industry and for the legitimacy of CEPI to shape the future of the European audiovisual and cinematographic industry. Our association is dedicated to promoting the interests of our members and the industry as a whole.” – Susana Gato, CEPI President.

CEPI would like to thank the APIT team for their great welcome in hosting the General Assembly in Lisbon and for their exceptional organization. We also extended appreciation to all the attendees for their valuable contributions to the engaging discussions.



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